September 11 Digital Archive

Acting Patriotic Interviews


Acting Patriotic Interviews


Acting Patriotic is an ongoing project consisting of film, interviews, clippings, documents, and photos that explores the making and implementation of domestic anti-terrorist policy in the United States after the September 11 attacks, most notably the Patriot Act of 2002. This project took as its focus the experiences and personalities of not only those affected by this legislation but also those central to its passage and opposition. This collection contains a number of interviews with people whose lives were drastically changed by arrest, registration requirements, or other actions resulting from changes in anti-terrorist legislation.

Items in the Acting Patriotic Interviews Collection

Interview with George Gruenthal
Interview with George Gruenthal, who describes the arrest of his roommate - a housing activist - on suspicion of terrorism. Conducted by James Ridgeway. Conducted 4/16/2002.

Interview with Adrienne Garcia
Said Ali's mother-in-law describes her reaction to Ali's arrest. Conducted by James Ridgeway. Interview Date: 4/20/03

Interview with Carlos Ali
Said Ali's eldest son describes how he tried to hold himself and the family together in the wake of his father's detention. Conducted by James Ridgeway. Date of Interview: 3/16/03

Interview with Muhammed Naman
Interview with Pakistani immigrant waiting to register in New York City. Conducted by Tami Gold.

Interview with Said Ali
Interview with Said Ali, New York businessman and Pakistani immigrant detained in November, 2001. Conducted by James Ridgeway. Interview Date: 3/16/03

Interview with Shaffic Gervez
Interview with Shaffic Gervez, a Pakistani immigrant and Connecticut computer expert. Gervez tells of experiences with the police in Hartford, Connecticut. Conducted by James Ridgeway.

Interview with Nelly Hester Bailey
Interview with Nelly Hester Bailey who describes the efforts of her community tenants advocacy group to defend one of their members who was detained. Conducted by James Ridgeway. Interview Date: 5/4/02

Interview with Brad Hussein
Interview with Pakistani immigrant waiting to register in New York City. Conducted by Tami Gold.

Interview with Navid Akram
Interview with Pakistani immigrant waiting to register in New York City. Conducted by Tami Gold.

Interview Delilah Young-Ali
Interview with Denielle Young Ali, Said Ali's wife, who recalls the police raid on her home, the long-term consequences of Ali's detention, and seeing her husband in court. Conducted by James Ridgeway. Date of Interview: 3/16/03

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