September 11 Digital Archive

New York City Fire Department Incident Action Plans


New York City Fire Department Incident Action Plans


The Fire Department of New York published a daily report, called the FDNY Incident Action Plan or IAP, that was a coordinating communication devise used among all the groups working during 9/11 Ground Zero Rescue and Recovery Operations. The FDNY IAP's are the only daily documents of its kind and therefore, is of utmost importance for researching the history and events of the WTC rescue and recovery operations. The content found within the pages of the IAP's include: announcements of hazards, locations for void searches, updated safety rules, feeding sites, contact phone numbers of the key people in charge at numerous agencies, and active construction plans and reports of work completed in "the pit" from the Department of Design and Construction. Through the September 11 Digital Archives postings of ASRL's collection of the FDNY IAPs, the day to day of life and work from 9 months in "the pit" is now made accessible and searchable to students, journalists, historians for fact-checking and scholarship.

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