September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I was sitting in my English class when my principal came over the loud speaker and informed us that there was had been an accident at the WTC. He said they weren't sure of the cause yet so we all figured it was an accidental crash. Then, he came back over the loud speaker informing us that the other tower was hit. Every teacher had either the radio or the television on the entire rest of the day. Students kept calling parents on their cell phones. Since I live on Long Island, many students have parents or relatives that worked in or around the towers. The scary thing for me was, it was my parents anniversary and I knew that they were going into the city that day. They were planning on eating lunch at the Windows to the World atop one of the towers. I called them and they were still safe at home, they weren't planning on going into the city for another hour. Also, my uncle was taking a flight down to Washington DC that day so my aunt was hysterical when she couldn't reach him. He was luckily on a different plane. Other students weren't so lucky. I will never forget that day and the following weeks after. Everything was so somber.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Yes, my life has changed. I don't take anything for granted anymore. If something like this can happen in America, I can't even begin to imagine what things could be like in other countries. Now, when i see an American flag or I go to Ground Zero, I can't help but imagine how those poor souls lost their lives.

NMAH Story: Remembered

The hereos. We should remember that everyone involved in September 11th should be important to us. This includes the police and fire departments, the pilots and passengers of all 4 of the planes that went down (NYC, Wash DC and Penn), the people trapped in the buildings,those who survived and the victims families.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes, there is still an American Flag outside of my house. I noticed people putting flags everywhere, including their cars (flags, window clings, stickers), their house, wearing flags etc. The American flag means so much more now. America as a country stuck together and held strong as things were falling apart around us. The flag stands for freedom, libery, justice and so much more.


“nmah6586.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed May 17, 2024,