September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I heard the story from my mother when she woke me up on Tuesday morning of last year. All knew at the time was that a plane had crashed into one of the two towers. But I heard nothing else until I reached school and everyone was talking about it. I then learned all the rest of the terrible events that are now engraved into our minds.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Yes, along with almost every other American my life has changed,in many different ways, but for the main part I have been more appreciative of my country and in doing so have gained a much stronger patriotism toward our great nation. In most respects I have mourned for the tragic loss of life that many people have sustained, and received heart-felt sorrow for all the families of the vicitims of the terrorist act. I have never been more thankful for my family.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I personally think the good, and the bad should be remembered, mostly because of the saying "it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow." So we need to remember the tragic loss of the many vitims on 9/11, but also remember the way our country came together and held each other up so that we may press on and overcome this disaster that had overcome us.

NMAH Story: Flag

I think that the stars and stripes that make up the banner of our nation is now engraved in our hearts as a stronger symbol of freedom and passion, then we eveer knew it to be. Our star-spangled banner now endows almost anything we can think of, making it clear to the world that we will not be overcome by terrorism, and that there is no way that this country will ever loose what we have worked so hard to built up. The United States Flag will wave forever.


“nmah2660.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed May 17, 2024,