September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

On my way to the doctors office i tuned in to the Howard Stern radio show the time was about 8:55 am EST.One of the regulars came in and said the WTC had been hit by an airplane i took it as one of the many horrible jokes that were common on his show.I then tuned into WINS news right after just to make sure that it was just a cruel joke,to my horror it was not.Knowing the doctors office supplied a TV to the waiting patients i sped up to get there only to have my heart drop to the floor,it was unimaginable.The eery thing about that moment was everyone around me seemed calm but i was an uncoiling emotional wreck.I'm 35 now originally from NY.I was at the time in Philadelphia.Maybe they just were not grasping the enormity and horror of it all at the time but till today it puzzles me.All the patients in the waiting room that day were all over the age of sixty.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Yes.I can't help but to constantly reflect back at the moment this all started.I find myself crying way to much to my liking about this tradgedy.Hearing all these stories about how the children will never be able to see or hear there mom or dad again or how parents lost a child.Its not fair. No matter what we may accomplish in the future we can never bring these people back.That saddens me to a an everlasting pain.I don't want to feel this way but history has chosen this for all us.How sad.

NMAH Story: Remembered

The pain that all of us felt that day should burn inside of us so that we never forget.There is room for happiness we need it to carry on against what will always be the fight against evil.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes i put a flag up in front of the house.My feelings have grown stronger to the commitment of what the American flag represents.


“nmah4205.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 1, 2024,