September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I witnessed it on tv.I was in school and more spacifically in art class. After ariving in the room my teacher came in and turned on the television. As everyone sat in their seats the tv flickered,and everyones eyes were firmly focused on the screen. The same image was repeating constantly. It showed the second plane fly right into the second tower with smoke still hovering in the air from the first attack.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

It made me realize how vulnerable people's lives are to influence. Life is precious and should be protected. I just thought about all of those people and how painfully most of them died. Their burning flesh making the air foul with the stench of death. Cinders of the broken buildings covering the ground. It opened my eyes to the that could happen. These memories plague my mind and show what accually happened even though we wish it could be otherwise. The Earth is vast but we make an aragent asumption that we are the center of the world. But everything does not revolve around us.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I think that the people who lost their lives in unfairness and purpose should be remembered. So many people died, think of how many people were working in those two towers. Plus people lost their lives tring to help others. Many firemen tried to save people. We should also remember 9/11 as a day of our vulnerablity. The most tragic day we many lives were taken. Also the day that America proved that even trough tragity we could stay strong.

NMAH Story: Flag


“nmah1739.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 1, 2024,