September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I was waken by my dad when it happened. I saw it on the news. I was really scared for the people who were in the planes and in the bulidings. Though I don't think I really understood it. It took me a while to realize how many people had been hurt or killed. It was scary how many people were affected by this nightmare.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

I didn't know anyone who was hurt or killed. I knew friends who they knew people but I didn't really know anyone. It was very sad for those people. The only pain I felt was for the people I didn't know. It was still a horrible tragity though and I'm very sorry for the people that were affected by it.

NMAH Story: Remembered

The fireman and the other people who helped to save the survivors. They risked their lives for other people and that is very brave. We need to remember all the innocent people in the planes and in the buildings.

NMAH Story: Flag

My family and I flew and American flag outside of our home. I feel more respectful to the American flag because it represents everyone who was affected by all the tragitys in the USA and all the people who are helping our country surive.


“nmah2369.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 1, 2024,