September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I live in Fountain Valley, California so I only experience 9/11 through television. But it's still affect many people at my schoool. At the time, I went to Masuda. On that day, I was just about ready to go to school when my uncle told me to watch the news. I walked downstairs and on the television screen, I saw smoke that filled up one of the twin towers while another twin tower was being hit by another airplane. At first, I was in a state of mind where I started not to believe it, but once the news crew played those scenes over and over again, it started to sink in. I was frighten and I was angry at whoever done this to us.

When I arrived at school, the students that arrived early than I did were talking about the attacke. Some were worried and I even saw a student crying because her dad was in New York and might have been hurt. The thing that angered me the most was when I saw a couple of kides joke around about it. We saw a plane in the sky above our heads and they were laughing that it was going to hit us so we should go run away. I thought it was very immature to joke around like that. Other kids thought it was immature also and told them to stop being disrespectful.

Afterwards, we went to class and my teacher made an announcement. He said that we shouldn't make up rumors about the whole attacke and we should try to move on through our day because there are people out there that are trying to figure out this tragedy. The whole day was not like any other day before. People were not themselves and it was too bizarre for me.

School ended and people were still in a weird state. Personally, I was simply out of it. I couldn't laugh or smile like I used to. I didn't like to talk about the subject with anyone. I just wanted to think about the situation. I went home and did my homework and watched those awful scenes play over and over again. Seeing those people jump out of those buildings were just terrifying. I had goosebumps the entire week just thinking about it. And now that I think of it, everytime it would replay in my mind, I would still get those goosebumps.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

NMAH Story: Remembered

NMAH Story: Flag


“nmah6762.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 14, 2024,