September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

My husband, daughter and I live in Pocatello, Idaho. My husband is in the Army National Guard. The day of 9-11-01 he went on high alert for call up to active duty if necessary. Many of his family members called to see if he was going to have to go to war. At that time, we didn't know anything and could only say that is unit is on high alert. After the attacks you could no longer drive up to the National Guard Armory, or the Reserve offices. They had concrete blockades across the entrance, which I am told by husband, to prevent any terrorist from bashing into the armory. One year later the cement blockades are still up and there is no longer any parking in the front of the armory or reserve unit.

When I got to work that day, 9-11-01, our office was buzzing and we had hooked up a television in the conference room. Everyone would just sit and watch the events in between trying to get some work done.

I work for a non-profit low income advocacy agency and when the donations started pouring in to New York I can honestly say that there was frustration in our Agency that so much money was going into New York which was going to affect other states so much as far as people contributing top their local food banks, etc. We did feel some of the effects because our local United Way had a lower amount of contributions this cycle.

Personally, I have frustration because the survivors or families of the dead in New York are going to basically be millionares out of this when there are still people around the country that have lost family members in tragic events that had to make it on their own. And the US Government is one of the biggest contributors to this 911 Fund. This will only affect other funding that the government is involved with, like my Agency. I think the government should NOT contribute money to this fund and let private donors handle giving whatever money they feel is necessary. The Oklahoma people got nothing - and look at all the children/babies that died.

I just felt like if this was an archive of views and feelings from the 9-11 tragedy that this should be included.

My heart does go out to those that had to pick up their lives after the tragedy of losing someone in that attack.

September 11 Email: Date

sent 9-8-02

September 11 Email: Subject

The effects here in Pocatello, Idaho


“email669.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed May 6, 2024,