September 11 Digital Archive






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LC Story: Story

I was riding in an elevator with a co-worker. When I asked how she was doing, she responded by saying that her son was safe. I must have looked puzzled, so Jeanette began explaining that the towers in New York City had been attacked, as well as the Pentagon in VA. Three months later, Jeanette passed away.

LC Story: Memory

My strongest memory is walking outside my office building in San Francisco, CA and seeing how empty the streets were. Many of the sandwich shops & restaurants were closing, and the drugstores were empty. Quite a few of my colleagues did not come into work at all that day. Those of us who arrived, were given the choice of remaining or leaving. Staying at work in a nearly empty building was too uncomfortable.

LC Story: Affects

I think the initial shock has worn off for most people living outside of New York City, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, unless they experienced some type of loss at the various attack sites. I see fewer American flags flying from cars and homes here in Northern CA than immediately after the attacks on the United States. Fewer people are wearing flag pins.


“lc_story99.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed April 18, 2024,