September 11 Digital Archive






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LC Story: Story

I has just left work to run home for a few minutes and was listening to a radio show (Bob & Sherry). They were talking
about how an airplane had just hit one of the WTC buildings. Then Sherry said something like "Oh my God"
another plane has hit the other building. Then of course my thoughts went from what a terrible accident to instant confusion.
I never would have dreamed that someone would be so evil that they would plot such an event. Then
when I first heard the words "terrorist attacks" I just became even more emotional. I cried the whole day and many times since 9/11.
I kept putting myself in the place of those who were trapped in the building. What they must be thinking and feeling.
I prayed for them, for my country, for all of those families that lost someone dear to them on that day. As long as I live, I will never forget
that historic, tragic event. I will also never forget what my then 4 year old daughter said to me.
"Momma, I wish I was a Power Puff Girl so I could've stopped those planes from hitting those buildings." I regret that
she saw the footage of the crashes on TV. I had a hard time of explaining it because I couldn't really
understand it myself, but she said that and she meant it with everything in her.

LC Story: Memory

Probably the footage of the crashes and the images of bodies falling to the ground. That greatly
disturbed me.

LC Story: Affects

Well, I think that if there is a silver lining to be
found in the whole event, it would be that Americans
showed their true spirit by joining together, giving
of their time and money. Prayers for people they've never
met or seen. Just a fellowship almost of an entire


“lc_story223.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed May 5, 2024,