RE: [MAPC-discuss] People Say It's Not Vietnam
RE: [MAPC-discuss] People Say It's Not Vietnam
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September 11 Email: Body
Remember that it took a long time before Americans realized that
the Vietnam war was wrong. We are going to have to continue
to do a lot of convincing. /we can only hope that it doesn't
come to domestic (as in: from other Americans) violence before
we get our point across as it did during the Vietnam era.
>--- Original Message ---
>From: "X" <X>
>Date: 11/01 1:39:47 PM
> People are saying this is not Vietnam, and they're getting
away with it.
> Last night I was leafletting at the Dylan concert. A wall
>indifference. I'm sure my leafletting technique could use some
> But still, fans don't connect this anti-war singer to peace.
> And Feingold Sunday at the Pyle Center. He defended our
bombing in
>Afghanistan as justified self-defense, just after he mentioned
>that he had protested against the Vietnam War right outside
that building.
>It's maddening that he's trying to get credit for a past anti-war
>while firmly siding with the status quo now.
> The Nation's Katha Pollitt recently stated that this war
is not like
>Vietnam. She took potshots at the peace movement, and repeated
the mantra:
>this war is justified self defense. Then in the end she agreed
it's a
>stupid and wrong-headed approach, exactly as she initially characterized
> Castro's speech handed out at the last Socialist Potluck
showed some
>valid parallels between this war and Vietnam. The vague goal,
>unidentifiable enemy, and now the advisors going in.
> September 11th is functioning as a pretext, and people won't
>it. Several thousand Americans are killed, so that gives us
the right to
>starve several MILLION Afghanis? That gives us the right to
wage war
>against any number of countries, and use WHATEVER methods and
weapons we
> How can we tap into Americans' belief that Vietnam was wrong,
so that
>they will see this war is wrong in the same way?
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September 11 Email: Date
Thursday, November 01, 2001 5:47 PM
September 11 Email: Subject
RE: [MAPC-discuss] People Say It's Not Vietnam
“RE: [MAPC-discuss] People Say It's Not Vietnam,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 16, 2025,